Exterior Grade - Permanent Barrier Backed Composites
Our SBBC-EXT-R products offer the benefit of a noise barrier and a sound absorber composite in one product for outdoor applications. Our exterior grade SBBC product is typically used as modular sound curtain panels on long-term construction projects or permanent outdoor applications such as enclosing HVAC equipment, dust collectors or similar machinery where UV and abuse resistance as well as maximum durability, longevity and noise reduction is required.
Modular curtain panels are constructed with grommets across the top and bottom, and exterior grade Velcro seals along the vertical edges. Modular panels are sewn with an exterior grade thread. The product is also available in roll form with bound or unbound edges.
- Maximum Durability and Longevity Outdoors
- Available facing colors on quilt: gray, tan, black, off-white
- Available barrier colors: gray, tan, or black
Exterior Grade - Permanent Barrier Backed Composites

SBBC-EXT-R Sound Curtains
This barrier-backed product is made of an exterior grade, UV resistant heavy- duty VCP faced 1" quilted fiberglass absorber bonded to a one-pound per sq. ft. reinforced loaded vinyl noise barrier.
- STC 29 Rating, NRC .65
- Also available with a two-inch thick quilted fiberglass absorber, or with a two-pound per sq. ft. reinforced barrier.

SBBC-EXT-R-2" Sound Curtains
This barrier-backed product consists of an exterior grade, UV resistant heavy-duty VCP faced 2" quilted fiberglass absorber bonded to a one-pound per sq. ft. reinforced loaded vinyl noise barrier.
- STC 34 Rating, NRC .75
- Also available with a one-inch thick quilted fiberglass absorber, or with a two-pound per sq. ft. reinforced noise barrier.

SBBC-EXT-R-2LB Sound Curtains
This barrier-backed product consists of an exterior grade, UV resistant heavy-duty faced 1" quilted fiberglass absorber bonded to a two-pound per sq. ft. reinforced loaded vinyl barrier.
- STC 38 Rating, NRC .65
- Also available with a two-inch thick quilted fiberglass absorber, or with a one-pound per sq. ft. reinforced barrier.
Example: SBBC-EXT-R-2LB Blankets.
See a very custom set of SBBC-EXT-R-2LB in use at the end of a rocket test! The blankets are shown in the image from a Northup Grumman rocket test tube video.
Rocket Test Image Courtesy of Northrup Grumman.