In-Plant Enclosures

Industrial Sound In-Plant Enclosures are available as complete or partial enclosures. Our Noise Enclosures can be floor mounted, ceiling mounted, wall mounted, or suspended from a roof deck. When using a complete four-sided enclosure with a roof, the noise reduction can exceed 20 dB(A) while still offering access, visibility and ventilation.

Partial Noise Enclosures are defined as a barrier wall, two or three sided enclosure, or a four sided enclosure without a roof. Noise reduction can exceed 15 dB(A) on a partial enclosure utilizing our Barrier Backed or Barrier Septum Composites. Standard components are utilized to offer custom enclosures to meet your specific application.

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In-Plant Enclosures Products

sound curtain enclosure system

Noise Control Specialist Sound Curtain Systems

Noise Control Specialist’s sound curtain systems offer significant noise reduction with high STC and NRC acoustical ratings. They can be supplied as a partial or complete enclosure around noisy industrial equipment including:

  • Compressors
  • Pumps
  • Generators
  • Blowers
  • Fans
  • Granulators
  • Presses

Also suitable for larger complete enclosures including:

  • Manufacturing equipment
  • Test Chambers
  • Machinery Enclosures


portable acoustic screens

Noise Control Specialist SS-103 Portable Acoustic Screens

Noise Control Specialist’s SS-103 Portable Acoustic Screens can be used individually or in groups to form partial noise enclosures, offering complete mobility and maximum accessibility. They consist of a rugged powder-coated tubular steel frame combined with our high-performance BBC (Barrier Backed Composite) or BSC (Barrier Septum Composite) noise barrier/ sound absorption curtain panels and heavy duty casters.


  • Standard Size 4' x 8'
  • Custom fabricated for any size application
  • Completely mobile for maximum accessibility
  • Utilizes high-performance acoustical curtain panels
  • Collapsible framing allows for cost-effective and quick shipping methods.
